01746 866715

33 High St, Bridgnorth WV16 4DB


Pitlochry Care Home, Balhousie Care Group

Tiny Tablet Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Pitlochry Care Home, Balhousie Care Group

“I just wanted to offer some feedback regarding our new Tiny tablet. The staff are amazed at its size first and foremost and also the amount of things that we can do/see and interact with on it.

We have been show-casing this piece of equipment to our residents with amazing results. We have varying abilities within the care home and every single resident has interacted with it. Some prefer to complete puzzles/games whilst others are contented with the colour changing screens making different shapes and watching the colours.

We have a resident who struggles with focusing on anything and has managed to sit contented watching the fish aquarium for a period of 30 minutes glued to the screen watching the colours and fish swim by.

This is truly an amazing piece of equipment that brings joy to everyone who engages with it….even the staff team!”

Claire Mackay, Home manager

Pitlochry Care Home, Balhousie Care Group