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Talking Therapy Ideas Using Your Tiny Tablet

Interactive Touch Screen Table Specialists

Talking Therapy in Care: Leveraging Tiny Tablet Touch Screen Activity Tables and App-Based Technology


Talking therapy can have transformative impacts on the mental health of older people. Despite societal stereotypes suggesting mental health is secondary to physical health in older adults, research and real-world experiences reveal that conversing about mental health can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals in aged care.

Unfortunately, many older adults fail to seek help due to misconceptions about mental health being a natural part of ageing. However, innovative technology solutions such as the Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables and app-based technology are striving to change this narrative.


All interactive touch screen tables come with pre-installed reference apps and memory apps along with a host of enjoyable games and puzzles.

You can also choose from thousands of other apps and download them to the table to enhance enjoyment.

All tables come with a full 1-year on-site warranty, free installation & training – To learn more about our dementia tables, reach out today!


People in all stages of dementia can still experience three primary outcomes of play: sensation, relaxation and reminiscence ALL of which can be achieved through residents’ interaction with an Inspired Inspirations touch screen table.

The Importance of Talking Therapy in Aged Care

As Heather Stonebank, Lead Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP) for the NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) program highlights, talking therapy has the potential to bring about profound change. The IAPT program aims to help people overcome depression and anxiety, with a focus on older adults in recent years. While there has been a rise in older adults accessing these treatments, they are still underrepresented. The reasons vary from misconceptions about mental health issues in older people to a lack of knowledge about the help available.

Talking therapy is vital as we age, as it helps manage both mental and physical health. It is a collaborative process where the patient, being an expert in themselves, works with the therapist to choose the best treatment that can be adapted to their individual needs. Older people typically respond well to talking therapy, with high commitment levels and willingness to try new techniques.

Tiny Tablet Touch Screen Activity Tables and App-Based Technology: A Novel Approach

In this digital age, the potential to transform mental health care for older adults has never been more promising. Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables and app-based technology introduce a modern and engaging approach to stimulate conversations and interactions among residents in aged care.

The Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables are specially designed for user-friendly interaction, providing an easy-to-use interface for older adults who may not be familiar with digital technology. This technology incorporates features such as large, clear buttons and adjustable text sizes, making it accessible to users with varying levels of visual acuity and digital proficiency. The touch screen interface offers a tactile experience, encouraging active engagement and interaction with the content.

App-based technology further enhances this experience by providing diverse and dynamic content. The integration of popular apps like Google Earth, YouTube, Wikipedia, Spotify, and Google Chrome significantly enhances the conversation points, stimulating the minds of the residents and encouraging them to engage in discussions.

Singing Tiny Tablet 2

Google Earth: A Gateway to Reminiscence and Connection in Aged Care

Google Earth’s digital platform offers a unique, interactive tool for facilitating reminiscence therapy among residents in aged care. By virtually transporting users to any corner of the globe, it stimulates a sense of adventure and curiosity, evokes potent memories, and encourages vibrant discussions that can significantly enhance mental wellbeing.

Emotional Connection to Places

Our emotional connections to places play a significant role in shaping our identities and memories. Revisiting these places, even virtually, can elicit strong emotional responses, triggering a wave of nostalgia and remembrance. For residents in aged care, this can mean revisiting their childhood homes, the streets they used to roam, the parks where they played, or the cities where they raised their families.

These experiences can bring immense joy and comfort, alleviating feelings of isolation or loneliness that some residents may experience. Moreover, this journey down memory lane provides an opportunity to relive happy times, fostering a positive mental state and enhancing overall wellbeing.

Sharing Stories and Experiences

Google Earth’s virtual tours also provide a platform for residents to share their life stories and experiences. As they navigate the streets of their past, they can share tales of their youth, adventures, hardships, and triumphs. These stories not only stimulate meaningful conversations but also create a sense of community and understanding among residents. Hearing about others’ experiences and sharing their own can help residents feel valued, heard, and connected, promoting emotional wellbeing.

Igniting Curiosity and Adventure

Beyond reminiscing about the past, Google Earth also allows residents to explore new places they’ve always wished to visit. Whether it’s the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Great Wall of China, or the Grand Canyon in Arizona, residents can embark on virtual adventures from the comfort of their care facility.

This sense of exploration and discovery can have profound emotional benefits. It can instil a sense of excitement and wonder, combat feelings of stagnation, and even inspire residents to dream and set new goals. It also provides a shared experience that can serve as a conversation starter, fostering social connections and stimulating mental engagement.

Facilitating Empathy and Understanding

Through Google Earth, residents can virtually visit different cultures and societies around the world, fostering empathy and understanding. This global perspective encourages open-mindedness and respect for diversity, which are beneficial for creating a harmonious community environment within the aged care facility. Moreover, understanding and appreciating different cultures can promote a sense of connectedness and solidarity, contributing to emotional wellbeing.

Incorporating Google Earth into the Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables is more than just providing entertainment; it’s about creating opportunities for emotional engagement, social connection, intellectual stimulation, and personal growth. This app-based technology can play a critical role in promoting mental health among residents in aged care, demonstrating the power of technology in enhancing the quality of life.

Lambton Interactive Touch Screen Tables

YouTube: Fostering Connection, Engagement, and Joy in Aged Care

YouTube, with its virtually limitless library of audio-visual content, offers a uniquely versatile platform for facilitating interaction and emotional engagement among residents in aged care facilities. From music videos and documentaries to DIY tutorials and comedy sketches, YouTube caters to diverse interests and preferences, fostering social bonds, stimulating intellectual curiosity, and promoting emotional wellbeing.

Bonding Over Shared Interests

One of the main benefits of YouTube lies in its ability to bring people together over shared interests. The platform offers content on virtually any topic imaginable, enabling residents with similar interests to come together and enjoy shared experiences. Whether it’s watching a classic movie, enjoying a concert of a beloved band, or learning about gardening techniques, these shared activities can lead to deeper connections and stronger bonds.

The simple act of watching a video together can trigger discussions, debates, and shared laughter, enhancing social interaction and contributing to a sense of community. As residents connect over shared interests, they feel more understood and less alone, boosting their overall emotional wellbeing.

Nostalgia and Reminiscence

YouTube hosts a rich collection of vintage music, movies, and TV shows, offering a powerful tool for reminiscence therapy. Residents can relive cherished memories by watching content from their younger years, evoking emotions of nostalgia and joy. A song from a particular era, for example, might bring back memories of special events, past relationships, or significant life milestones.

Reminiscing over these memories can evoke a range of emotions and stimulate personal storytelling, where residents share their past experiences and life stories. This not only promotes emotional expression but also strengthens intergenerational understanding and empathy among residents, fostering a more supportive and inclusive community.

Lifelong Learning and Engagement

YouTube is also a valuable resource for lifelong learning. The platform offers educational content on a wide range of subjects, from history and science to arts and crafts. By watching documentaries or tutorials, residents can continue to learn and grow, keeping their minds active and engaged.

The act of learning stimulates intellectual curiosity and promotes mental flexibility, both of which are beneficial for cognitive health. Moreover, learning new skills or gaining new knowledge can enhance self-esteem and provide a sense of accomplishment, contributing to overall emotional wellbeing.

Laughter and Entertainment

The power of laughter and entertainment in promoting mental health cannot be understated, and YouTube is a treasure trove of humorous and entertaining content. Watching comedy sketches or funny animal videos, for example, can provide much-needed laughter and joy, acting as a natural stress reliever.

Laughter promotes the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, leading to feelings of happiness and relaxation. It also brings people together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared joy among residents.

Incorporating YouTube into the digital resources of aged care facilities via Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables has the potential to significantly enhance the quality of life for residents. Its diverse content caters to various interests and emotional needs, promoting social connection, intellectual engagement, emotional expression, and above all, joy. As such, YouTube serves as an invaluable tool in promoting mental health and emotional wellbeing in aged care.

Wikipedia: Stimulating Lifelong Learning and Community in Aged Care

Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, is a comprehensive resource that can stimulate intellectual curiosity and facilitate lifelong learning among residents in aged care. With articles on virtually every conceivable topic, from history and science to arts and culture, Wikipedia provides a platform for enriching discussions, fostering a sense of community, and enhancing emotional wellbeing among aged care residents.

Lifelong Learning and Cognitive Stimulation

Lifelong learning is a critical aspect of mental health and wellbeing in aged care. The process of learning keeps the mind active and engaged, helping to maintain cognitive abilities and even slow the progression of cognitive decline. Wikipedia, with its vast repository of knowledge, offers an excellent tool for fostering this continual learning.

Residents can delve into articles about historical events, explore scientific concepts, or learn about different cultures and societies. This intellectual stimulation not only keeps the mind active but also fosters a sense of curiosity and wonder, combating feelings of boredom or stagnation that can sometimes occur in aged care settings.

Building Connections through Shared Interests

Exploring Wikipedia articles can also serve as a social activity, fostering connections among residents. As residents delve into topics of shared interest, they can engage in lively discussions, debate ideas, and share their insights. These interactions can create a sense of camaraderie and community, mitigating feelings of isolation and loneliness.

For example, a group of residents interested in gardening might explore Wikipedia articles about different plant species, gardening techniques, or the history of gardening. This shared learning experience can lead to enriching conversations and even inspire group activities, such as starting a community garden in the facility.

Enhancing Self-Esteem and Empowerment

Wikipedia can also contribute to enhancing residents’ self-esteem and feelings of empowerment. The ability to learn new information, understand complex topics, and engage in intellectual conversations can provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

In aged care settings, it’s common for residents to feel a loss of control or independence. However, the act of self-directed learning through Wikipedia can help restore a sense of agency and autonomy. This, in turn, can contribute to improved mood, increased motivation, and a more positive outlook.

Encouraging Empathy and Cultural Understanding

Finally, the wealth of information available on Wikipedia can foster empathy and cultural understanding. By exploring articles about different cultures, societies, and historical events, residents can gain a broader perspective on the world. This can promote open-mindedness, understanding, and respect for diversity, which are essential for creating a harmonious and inclusive community within the aged care facility.

The integration of Wikipedia into the Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables within aged care facilities can offer significant benefits. From stimulating lifelong learning and fostering community connections to enhancing self-esteem and promoting cultural understanding, Wikipedia is an invaluable tool for promoting mental health and emotional wellbeing among residents. As such, it stands as an example of how technology can be harnessed to enhance the quality of life in aged care.

People watching on the Touch Screen Tables For Care Homes

Spotify: Harnessing the Power of Music in Aged Care

Spotify, with its extensive library of music spanning various genres and eras, offers a unique tool for fostering emotional engagement and social interaction among residents in aged care facilities. Music has the power to touch our souls, evoke emotions, and stimulate memories. Through shared listening experiences, impromptu dance parties, or quiet moments of reflection, Spotify can contribute to creating a joyful and connected community, thereby promoting emotional wellbeing.

Music and Memory

Music has a profound connection with memory. A familiar melody or a certain song can transport us back in time, triggering vivid memories of people, places, and events from our past. For residents in aged care, Spotify’s vast music library can serve as a conduit for reminiscence therapy.

Residents can listen to the songs of their youth, reliving memories and sharing their stories with others. This can lead to deep, heartfelt conversations, strengthening social bonds and fostering a sense of belonging. Moreover, the act of reminiscing can have therapeutic benefits, providing comfort, enhancing mood, and improving overall emotional wellbeing.

Social Interaction and Joy

Group music listening sessions using Spotify can create a joyful and lively atmosphere within the care facility. Whether it’s a shared appreciation for classical symphonies, a communal sing-along to old-time favorites, or even an impromptu dance party to a rocking playlist, these shared experiences can bring residents together, encouraging them to open up and connect with each other.

Music can serve as a universal language, transcending barriers and fostering shared enjoyment. These joyful experiences can significantly enhance residents’ mood, alleviate feelings of loneliness, and promote a sense of community.

Personal Expression and Empowerment

Spotify also allows residents to express their individuality and preferences. Each resident can curate their personal playlists, choosing songs that hold special meaning for them or simply align with their musical tastes. This act of personal expression can provide a sense of autonomy and control, which are crucial for emotional wellbeing in aged care settings.

Moreover, sharing their personal playlists with others allows residents to reveal aspects of their identity and life story, fostering understanding and mutual respect among residents.

Music and Emotional Wellbeing

Music can also be a powerful tool for emotional wellbeing. Listening to music can have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting relaxation. For residents dealing with emotional challenges, music can serve as a form of solace, offering comfort and emotional release.

On the other hand, upbeat and lively music can lift spirits, energize the atmosphere, and inspire positivity. Whether it’s through soothing melodies or invigorating rhythms, music can significantly influence mood and emotional state.

Incorporating Spotify into the Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables provides a valuable resource for emotional engagement, social connection, personal expression, and joy within aged care facilities. By harnessing the power of music, Spotify serves as a potent tool for enhancing emotional wellbeing and quality of life among aged care residents. This is a testament to the transformative potential of app-based technology in aged care, as it brings joy, connection, and emotional richness into the lives of residents.

Music Tiny Tablet

Google Chrome: Fostering Exploration and Connection in Aged Care

Google Chrome, as a versatile and user-friendly web browser, serves as a gateway to the vast world of online resources. It provides countless opportunities for exploration, learning, and engagement for residents in aged care facilities. Whether it’s reading news articles, exploring hobbies, joining online communities, or just surfing the web, Google Chrome can stimulate thought-provoking conversations, promote social interaction, and enhance mental wellbeing.

Exploration and Lifelong Learning

The internet, accessible via Google Chrome, is a treasure trove of information and resources on virtually any topic imaginable. Residents can read up on current events, research topics of interest, explore hobbies, or learn new skills. This continuous learning and exploration help keep the mind active and engaged, contributing to cognitive health.

For instance, a resident interested in art could explore online galleries or read up on different art movements and techniques. Meanwhile, another resident might enjoy keeping up with current events and sharing their insights with others. These activities not only stimulate intellectual engagement but also foster a sense of curiosity and personal growth.

Building Connections through Shared Interests

Google Chrome can also facilitate social connections among residents. As they explore their interests online, residents can share their findings with each other, leading to enriching discussions and shared experiences.

For example, a resident might discover an interesting article or video and share it with fellow residents. This can spark lively debates, shared laughter, or deep reflections, helping to strengthen social bonds and build a sense of community.

Engagement with the Wider World

Through Google Chrome, residents can also stay connected with the wider world. They can read news from their hometowns, follow global events, or even join online communities related to their interests.

Being part of these online communities can provide a sense of belonging and help combat feelings of isolation. It can also foster a sense of understanding and empathy as residents engage with diverse perspectives and experiences from around the world.

Empowerment and Autonomy

The ability to navigate the internet through Google Chrome can also foster a sense of empowerment and autonomy among residents. In an aged care setting, where residents may often feel a loss of independence, being able to explore the online world at their own pace and according to their interests can restore a sense of control and agency. This can significantly enhance their self-esteem and overall emotional wellbeing.

Google Chrome, as an integral part of the Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables, offers immense potential for promoting mental wellbeing in aged care facilities. By fostering exploration, lifelong learning, social connections, and a sense of empowerment, Google Chrome serves as an invaluable tool for enhancing the quality of life for aged care residents. As such, it exemplifies the transformative potential of app-based technology in aged care, offering residents the opportunity to engage with the world in meaningful and enriching ways.

Elders sitting on couch

Conclusion: Embracing Technology for Emotional Wellbeing in Aged Care

Mental health is as important as physical health in aged care, and talking therapy serves as a vital instrument in its management. In the digital age, the potential to leverage technology, such as Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables and app-based tools, allows us to enhance the reach and impact of these therapeutic methods.

Each of the apps we’ve discussed—Google Earth, YouTube, Wikipedia, Spotify, and Google Chrome—offers unique ways to stimulate conversation, foster connections, and promote emotional wellbeing among residents in aged care facilities.

Google Earth encourages reminiscence and a sense of adventure, prompting residents to share memories and experiences tied to specific locations. YouTube provides a wealth of visual content, enabling shared laughter, learning, and discussion. Wikipedia fuels intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning, spurring meaningful conversations and mutual discovery. Spotify taps into the power of music to evoke emotions, memories, and shared joy. Finally, Google Chrome acts as a portal to the wider online world, encouraging exploration, connection, and a sense of empowerment.

These apps, when used collaboratively on the Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables, create a dynamic and interactive environment. They foster a sense of community among the residents, providing them with shared experiences that stimulate conversation and deepen connections. They also provide opportunities for residents to express their individuality, explore their interests, and engage with the world in a way that is meaningful to them.

This integration of technology into talking therapy in aged care not only enhances the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions but also improves the quality of life for residents. It empowers them to take an active role in managing their mental health, encouraging autonomy, continuous learning, and social engagement.

The use of Tiny Tablet touch screen activity tables and app-based technology in aged care represents an innovative approach to mental health care. It offers a wealth of opportunities for residents to engage, interact, learn, and express themselves, thereby promoting their emotional wellbeing. As we move forward, the potential of such technology-aided therapies to revolutionise mental health care in aged care settings becomes increasingly clear. We must continue to explore and harness this potential, always prioritising the wellbeing and happiness of the residents we serve.

Schedule a video call with us today and discover how Tiny Tablets can revolutionise your care home’s approach to talking therapy.


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