Dolywern – Leonard Cheshire

Tiny Tablet Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dolywern – Leonard Cheshire

“We received our Touch Table after a very detailed and informative demo from Stewart Bates before we decided to order and purchase the Tablet.
The Tablet was delivered, as promised, in four weeks after the order was completed.

Our residents enjoy using the Touch Table – some residents use it daily, with support from staff and volunteers, and one resident uses it in the evening, doing the jigsaws, which are very popular with all our residents.
The Tablet is used for accessing the Internet, including YouTube and other sites, watching videos of their favourite music and celebrities.
Many of the games are accessed by residents, including the jigsaws, Wordsearch and the snooker game.

Comments from residents include:-

“Doing games like Wordsearch keeps the brain active, and exercises the brain.”
“The Tablet is really good – I enjoy watching videos of my favourite presenter, I enjoy the larger screen so I can see better.”
“The Tablet is a fantastic aid when you are working with a small group – you can read a PDF. Flash drive, prepared material, make the font as large as possible, alter the angle and height so that everyone can see everything.”

Sylvia Jones, head of activities, Dolywern – Leonard Cheshire