Interactive Tables For Education

Interactive Tables For Education

Getting the Best Interactive Touch Screen Tables for Education

Are you looking for the best interactive tables for your children or studies? Getting the right solution for your children can be a little overwhelming. Different aspects, such as the display size determine whether the tables are right for the students, especially based on age. However, it becomes easier for you to get the tables ideal for learning with the right guidelines and information. Let’s explore how you can choose the right displays.


Check the Technology Used

The most used types are the touch screen tables for schools. However, before you even select the student’s specification, it is crucial that you first check the type of technology used. Do not rush to the overlays and non-integrated units as those could hugely mess things up. Let’s explain deeper; an overlay is the second piece of technology lying on the TV’s screen or monitor. It creates a touch screen surface. While it may be a cheaper option, it has a poor experience. It causes inaccuracy by creating a parallax. As such, you need to recalibrate your touch screen tables for schools more often. You may find other technology types that include the PCAP, Infrared, SAW, and commercial grade panels.

The Brand

As you embark on choosing the interactive tables for education, you must also check the brand of the tables you intend to use. Usually, the best way to approach this is by checking the total package that the manufacturer offers. Check the operating systems supported and whether your device’s OS is included. Most of them support Mac, Windows, Chrome, iOS, and Android operating systems. Before you make the acquisitions, you must also confirm whether they have software that you can enhance learning with. On their website, you will find free resources, tools and educational content to teach your children. Any software charges should be posted on the provider’s website for openness.

The Cost

The cost comprises of lots of factors. Since it is a high technology tool, it may be a little expensive than the regular classroom tables. Additionally, the touch screen tables for nurseries will be different from the touch screen tables for schools. Check out at least five models and get a quotation for each of them. The budget should also include the installation, hardware factors, and the technical support required. With the information, you can then compare and make a wise choice based on the budget that you have set aside. It is not just about the initial acquisition process.

The Size

In the interactive tables and panels, bigger is always better. Usually, the whiteboards come in 78”. However, the interactive tables and panels have evolved to 55” and 65” in size. They are not only ideal for the teachers, but also the students. If it is too big, it can hinder students from seeing the units on the lower sides. Depending on the size of the class, you may want to reconsider the screen sizes. You need to be able to connect it to a PC or projector for a greater view.

If you would like to learn more about our interactive tables for schools and nurseries, reach out today.