Free Resource – My Story So Far Worksheet

Tiny Tablet News

Free Resource – My Story So Far Worksheet

Inspired Inspirations have released brand new resources for activity organisers, to help them get the most from their Tiny Tablets.

The ‘My Story So Far’ Cheatsheet is an easy to use question sheet, designed to ensure that organisers provide highly-personal, person-centred activities for residents in care. The Cheatsheet covers key topics such as life story work, current interests and pastimes, as well as reminiscence and relaxation. Inspired Inspirations hope that this resource will help activity organisers to provide tailored, individualised activities for residents, which will in turn enhance their wellbeing and quality of life. For more information on the ‘My Story So Far’ Cheatsheet, or any of Inspired Inspirations’ other products and services, please visit our home page here.